A simple web app for UX researchers
A NodeJS application for conducting a variety of UX research methods.
Card sorting is a method for learning how people group concepts. There are two primary types: open and closed card sorts. In open card sorts, participants are asked to group a set of concepts using their own created groups. In closed card sorts, participants must organize a set of concepts with a predefined set of groups.
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Tree testing is a method for validating hierarchical information structures (e.g. navigation). Participants attempt to complete a set of tasks - where each requires the finding of something within the hierarchical structure. Tree testing is also referred to as reverse card sorting.
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Originally developed by Microsoft™, product reaction cards is a simple method for eliciting desirability qualities of a system or product. The participant is asked to select any number of words from a predefined list that represents their experience with a system or product and explain why each word was chosen.
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The System Usability Scale (SUS) is an inexpensive way to measure the usability of a website or application. Participants answer a set of 10 likert questions about their experience with the system. For each question the participant indicates the extent to which they agree or disagree with the statement. The end result is a score (not percentage) ranging from 0 - 100.
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The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a measure to indicate the willingness of customers to recommend your product or service to others. NPS is a single question that asks the participant how likely they are to recommend a product/service on a scale of 0-10. The scale is divided between detractors (1-6), passives (7 or 8), and promoters (9 or 10).
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